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San Diego Fertility Center is Open: Reinitiating Fertility Treatment with Your Safety in Mind

San Diego Fertility Center (SDFC) is pleased to announce that we are reinitiating fertility treatments, following the most recent guidelines from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). We understand that time is of the essence for many of our patients, and we are committed to supporting you through your fertility journey with personalized care and safety as our top priority.

The timeline for resuming treatment will vary depending on your individual treatment plan. We encourage patients to notify their medical assistant or cycle coordinator with the onset of menses, so we can assist in managing the next steps of your treatment cycle.

Our Physicians Are Here for You

Our physicians are available for consultations via email, phone, or video call, ensuring continuous patient care during this time. If you need to speak with your doctor, please contact us via email at frontoffice@sdfertility.com or call our office during regular business hours at 858.794.6363.

Health and Safety Protocols

To protect the health and safety of our patients and staff, SDFC has implemented the following protocols in line with CDC guidance:

  1. Screening Patients : All patients will be screened for COVID-19 exposure and risk factors. Anyone who does not pass the screening will not be granted admission to our center.
  2. Facial Coverings : All patients and staff are required to wear facial coverings while in the center.
  3. Limiting Accompanying Visitors : We are limiting the number of people who can accompany patients, rotating smaller staff groups, and spacing out appointments to maximize physical distancing.
  4. Enhanced Cleaning : Ultrasound rooms and common areas are thoroughly disinfected between appointments.
  5. Telemedicine Consultations : Whenever possible, physician and nurse consultations will continue via telemedicine to minimize in-office visits.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate these challenging times. Our team is dedicated to balancing public health concerns while supporting our patients' needs every step of the way.

COVID-19 Common Questions

Should I postpone my current cycle?

We recommend scheduling a consultation with your physician to discuss your specific treatment plan and timeline. Your doctor can help guide you on whether it's best to move forward or wait, based on your individual circumstances.

What happens if my cycle is canceled due to COVID-19?

While we hope cancellations won’t occur, there is always a risk in the current climate. If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or are exposed to the virus, your cycle will need to be canceled. If you’ve already started medications, you may incur associated medication costs. Any future cycles will require additional medications to restart.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that spreads through person-to-person contact. Common symptoms include fever, chills, cough, and shortness of breath. This situation is continuously evolving, and we are actively monitoring updates from health authorities.

Can COVID-19 affect my sperm, eggs, or embryos?

There is currently no scientific evidence suggesting that COVID-19 can be transmitted to eggs, sperm, or embryos.

Can COVID-19 be transmitted to a fetus during pregnancy?

At this time, there is no clear evidence to suggest that COVID-19 can be transmitted to a fetus in utero. While this is an area of ongoing research, studies so far have not shown intrauterine transmission of the virus.

Should I travel?

For personalized travel advice related to your treatment, we recommend discussing your plans with your physician. International patients should follow their country’s travel restrictions. Although the risk of transmission on airplanes is low due to how air circulates and is filtered, it’s important to practice good hygiene, avoid close contact with others, and clean your surroundings, such as tray tables, before use.

Contact Us

We remain committed to providing exceptional care during these uncertain times. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at frontoffice@sdfertility.com or call 858.794.6363.

You’re ready for your next chapter. We’re here to help you turn the page.

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