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Viagra May Be the Solution for Some Infertile Women

Viagra, widely known for its use in increasing blood flow in men, has become the focus of a promising study aimed at helping women with fertility challenges, specifically those with a thin uterine lining (endometrium) during In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment. 

The study found that Viagra may improve blood flow to the uterus, which, in turn, helps thicken the uterine lining—a critical factor for successful implantation during IVF.

How Viagra May Help Infertile Women

In the U.S., approximately 5% of women undergoing IVF struggle to conceive because their uterine lining is too thin to support embryo implantation. The recent study tested Viagra in the form of vaginal suppositories and found that 70% of women using the treatment experienced enhanced endometrial development.

This improvement in the uterine lining led to better chances of implantation and ongoing pregnancy, with success rates of 29% for implantation and 45% for ongoing pregnancy, compared to the control group, which saw implantation rates of just 2% and no ongoing pregnancies.

Potential Future Use of Viagra in IVF

Drs. Hummel and Kettel believe that Viagra suppositories could potentially become part of IVF protocols in the future, offering a new option for women facing fertility challenges due to thin uterine linings. While more research is needed, the results of this study are encouraging and could provide hope for women who have struggled to conceive with traditional IVF methods.

As fertility treatments continue to advance, options like Viagra may offer new opportunities for women experiencing challenges with their uterine lining. For more information on fertility treatments or to explore how San Diego Fertility Center can help you, contact us today.

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