Fathers playing with child

Known for its unbiased, comprehensive conferences for gay men, the nonprofit Men Having Babies (MHB) returns to for its annual Surrogacy Conference & Gay Parenting Expo in San Francisco. If you are looking for assistance with surrogacy, we invite you to come interact and consult with gay dads, experts, and over 40 reputable gay-friendly agencies, clinics, law firms, and other surrogacy providers. 

The weekend-long program offers comprehensive guidance relevant to intended parents pursuing surrogacy in the West Coast and beyond, including new developments in the surrogacy field, as well as guidance on advanced new resources:

  • The basics: medical, legal, ethical, and financial aspects of surrogacy
  • Budgeting & Insurance considerations for surrogacy
  • MHB’s member resources, discounts, and financial assistance
  • NEW: Guidance on MHB's new Surrogacy Advisor cost comparison tools
  • NEW: Independent and Modular Surrogacy Tracks
  • NEW tools that MHB is introducing to facilitate access to Inclusive Surrogacy Benefits at the workplace
  • NEW: How to avoid risky escrow services and other possible pitfalls
  • A Perspectives Panel with parents, surrogates, and egg donors
  • A workshop for prospective Single Gay Dads

You're ready for your next chapter, we're here to help.

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